Zaljubiti se u jedan grad: evropski putnici u Beogradu (1815–1914)
Priredio Đorđe S. Kostić
Muzej grada Beograda : Narodna biblioteka Srbije : Narodni muzej u Beogradu, Beograd 2007.
Falling in Love With a City: European Travelers to Belgrade (1815–1914)
Đorđe S. Kostić
Belgrade City Museum : National Library of Serbia : National Museum in Belgrade, Belgrade 2007.
Tokom devetnaestog i prvih decenija dvadesetog veka Beograd je prešao dug put. Od grada zanimljivih podsećanja na prošlost, na sukobe, ratove i razaranja, od grada koji je bio predstraža jedne Imperije, postao je grad savremenik svojih posetilaca. Svedočanstva o tom njegovom mukotrpnom razvoju nalaze se ovde opisana rečima ili slikom mnogih evropskih putnika (Endru Arčibald Pejton, Adolf Blanki, Feliks Kanic, Luj Leže, Aleksander Vilijam Kinglejk i dr.).
Đorđe S. Kostić
Over the 19th and the first decades of the 20th century, Belgrade traversed a long road. From a city of interesting reminiscences of the past, of conflicts, wars and devastation, from a city that used to be the outpost of an Empire, it became a city that is the contemporary of its visitors. Testimonies of that painstaking development are to be found here described by word or picture by different European travelers (Andrew Archibald Paton, Adolphe Blanqui, Felix Kanitz, Louis Léger, Alexander William Kinglake, etc).
Đorđe S. Kostić