A detail from the photo titled Unloading Beams from a Raft on the Sava River in Belgrade
Original project title:
January 2019 – December 2020
The project aims to develop a well-coordinated environment for the national aggregators of Europeana to collaborate, share resources and define common recommendations and standards. It also aims to elevate the quality of content and metadata on Europeana, thereby broadening its user base and enhancing the usability of the available content.
Project partners:
- Europeana Foundation, Netherlands (Coordinator)
- UMA Information Technology, Austria
- Flemish Government, Department of Culture, Youth and Media, Belgium
- Pencho Slaveykov Regional Library, Bulgaria
- German National Library, Germany
- National Documentation Center, Greece
- Petőfi Literary Museum, Hungary
- Central Institute for the Union Catalogue of Italian Libraries and Bibliographic Information, Italy
- Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania, Lithuania
- Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision, Netherlands
- Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
- National Library of Portugal, Portugal
- National Heritage Institute, Romania
- National and University Library, Slovenia
- Swedish National Heritage Board, Sweden
- National Library of Serbia, Serbia
- Ministry of Education and Culture, Cyprus
- Ministry of Culture and Sports, Spain
- Consortium of the Estonian Libraries Network, Estonia
- Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium
- National Library of Latvia, Latvia
- University of Technology, Cyprus
- College of the Holy and Undivided Trinity of Queen Elizabeth near Dublin, Ireland
- National Library of Finland/University of Helsinki, Finland
Project team at the National Library of Serbia:
- Tamara Butigan Vučaj (Coordinator)
- Nataša Petrović (Assistant)
- Laslo Blašković
- Dragan Glišić
- Tatjana Domazet
- Uroš Žugić
- Vera Zrnić
- Saša Ilić
- Jasna Mayerle
- Irena Malvić Opanović
- Sladjana Marinković
- Maša Miloradović
- Olga Mitrović
- Biljana Pantelić
- Petar Popović
- Ana Stevanović
- Dragan Stojmenović (Public Library of Bor)
Project outcomes:
Thematic collections published on the Digital NBS:
- “Industrial Heritage”
- “The Sokol Movement”
- “Ženski pokret” (Women’s Movement, the first Yugoslav feminist magazine) “DOISerbia”
Contents published on Europeana:
- “The Bor Mines. Photographs”
- “The Bor Mines. Krvavo zlato” (Bloody Gold)
- “Kalef Family Collection. Photographs”
- “Ženski pokret” (the first Yugoslav feminist magazine
- “The Sokol Movement. Photographs and Postcards”
- “Vladimir Đorđević’s Photographs”
- “DOISerbia” (Kobson Collection)
Photographs of the Bor Mines are kept at the Public Library of Bor (a partner of the National Library in the Common Culture project). Dragan Stojmenović, Senior Librarian at the Public Library of Bor, is responsible for bibliographic descriptions and digitisation of photographs.
All datasets of the National Library of Serbia published on Europeana have been updated following the latest recommendations defined within this project. The collections of the National Library of Serbia and the Public Library of Bor have been promoted through three blogs and three virtual galleries.
- “The Bor Mine in Serbia: Labour and landscape in the 20th century”, a blog by Sasha Ilić (translated into English by Tatjana Domazet)
- “Strike at the Bor Mine in the 1930s: Europe’s first environmental protest?”, a blog by Ana Stevanović and Sasha Ilić (translated into English by Tatjana Domazet)
- “The Danube Fortresses in Serbia”, a blog by Ana Stevanović
- “Mining and Miners”, a gallery
- “Strikes and Industrial Protests”, a gallery
- “Pollution: An Industrial Legacy”, a gallery

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