Medieval Culture and Technological Resources
In June 2013, two institutions from Serbia, the National Library and the Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, became involved in the COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) action concerning Medieval Europe (Medievo Europeo, http://www.medioevoeuropeo.org/).
This COST action brings together experts from twenty European countries in a collaborative four-year effort to create a Virtual Centre for Medieval Studies: A Virtual Workspace for Collaboration, Communication and Exchange of Tools for Work and Research. The action commenced on 31 March 2011 and is set to conclude on 30 March 2015.
The action comprises four working groups: Authors and Texts, Manuscripts and Textual Tradition, Textual Corpus and Reading Tools, and the Design of the Virtual Centre for Medieval Studies. Professor Agostino Paravicini Bagliani from the International Society for Medieval Latin Studies in Florence (Italy), serves as the Chair of the Action, while the Steering Committee consists of experts from all participating institutions. Tamara Butigan-Vučaj and Vladan Trijić represent the National Library of Serbia.
From 22 to 26 July 2013, the COST action IS 1005 and the CENDARI project organised a summer school in Florence: Medieval Sources and Transnational Approaches to European History. Vladan Trijić participated in this summer school as a scholarship recipient of the COST action IS 1005.
From 31 March to 4 April 2014, the COST action IS 1005, in collaboration with the Institute for Research and History of Texts in Paris (http://www.irht.cnrs.fr/fr) and the Biblissima project (http://www.biblissima-condorcet.fr/fr), organised an educational internship on the following topic: Transmission of Text: New Tools, New Approaches. Vladan Trijić took part in this programme as a scholarship recipient.