Association of European Research Libraries

It was initiated by a small and dedicated group of European librarians whose aim was to provide European national and university research libraries with a distinctive and persuasive voice in the international library community. The name LIBER was chosen symbolically, evoking both books and freedom.

International Internet Preservation Consortium

IIPC was formally established in July 2003 at the National Library of France, with the involvement of 12 more institutions collectively agreeing to finance projects and participate in working groups. The member institutions (libraries, museums, archives and research institutions) sign partnership agreements for a period of five years.

Online Computer Library Center

OCLC is a global library organisation that provides shared technological services, original research and collaborative programmes for its members and the library community at large, aiming to foster education, research and innovation. With almost 30,000 members from over 100 countries, OCLC comprises various types of libraries, including research, academic, public, school, medical, legal, corporate, government […]

Conference of European National Librarians

Founded in Portugal in 1987, CENL played a significant role in establishing closer connections and partnerships between the East and the West by organising the first East-West Conference with national libraries from Eastern Europe in 1991 in Vienna.

UDC Consortium

The UDC Consortium (UDCC) is a non-profit international organisation aiming to maintain and develop the Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) system. Established by the International Federation for Documentation (FID) and a consortium of publishers (Dutch, English, French, Spanish and Japanese editions), the Consortium gained copyright over the Universal Decimal Classification on 1 January 1992. The primary […]

Conference of Directors of National Libraries

CDNL is a global independent association of national library directors, established to facilitate discussions and enhance understanding and cooperation among national libraries on matters of common interest. The history of CDNL began with its foundation in 1974, aiming to create a platform for discussions on policies and activities that national libraries could most effectively undertake, […]


Title: EMBARK (Enhance Manuscriptorium through Balkan Recovered Knowledge) Coordinator: National Library of the Czech Republic Partners: Institute for the Bulgarian Language in Sofia and the National Library of Serbia Duration: 01/09/2010–30/04/2012 National Library of Serbia: Vesna Injac – Coordinator Tamara Butigan – Assistant


Title: EUROPEANA COLLECTIONS 1914–1918 Field: Digital Libraries Coordinator: State Library of Berlin Partners: National Library of France National and University Library of Strasbourg National Central Library of Rome National Central Library of Florence Royal Library of Belgium British Library in London Royal Library of Denmark Austrian National Library National Library of Serbia Humboldt University in […]