The National Library of Serbia has extensive, rich and prosperous international cooperation spanning decades. This collaboration involves the distribution of publications released in Serbia to foreign libraries while enriching its collections with foreign publications. Through this collaboration, the National Library of Serbia has a crucial role in preserving our national culture. It consistently and methodically shares books, periodicals and professional journals from Serbia’s publishing output with the global community. In doing so, it showcases our people’s history, science, culture, arts and literature while simultaneously augmenting its collections with Serbian-themed works and other noteworthy foreign publications. By dispatching domestic publications and welcoming the foreign ones, the national library fulfils a distinctive cultural mission, facilitating the unrestricted exchange of information and academic knowledge between our nation and the global community.
To systematically and continuously present the most significant publications from Serbia’s current publishing output to foreign libraries and centres for Slavic studies, the National Library of Serbia sent them four electronic catalogues comprising 2,896 titles of monographic publications in the fields of Serbian history, politics, literature, philology, linguistics, sociology, ethnology, arts and literature. Following the acquisition policy principles and collection contents from various foreign and domestic libraries participating in the exchanges, 48 thematic catalogues were created, featuring 7,782 additional titles of monographic publications. Furthermore, three catalogues featuring 1,227 periodical titles from the surplus of the National Library of Serbia were dispatched to foreign libraries, enabling them to supplement their periodical collections.
In 2023, the National Library of Serbia generously distributed a total of 37,013 library and information materials as gifts to various foreign and domestic libraries, Slavic study centres, libraries within Serb communities abroad and cultural centres involved in exchange programmes. This included 27,052 books and 9,961 periodical issues. Conversely, the National Library expanded its collections with 7,048 units of library and information materials through exchanges with foreign libraries. These acquisitions encompass Serbian-themed literature, reference works, professional literature dealing with library and information sciences and significant foreign publications in the field of humanities.
Народна библиотека Србије| Скерлићева 1, 11000 Београд | (+381 11) 2451-242 | nbs@nb.rs
Сајт израдио: Holistic Digital Solutions
National library of Serbia| Skerliceva 1, 11000 Belgrade | (+381 11) 2451-242 | nbs@nb.rs
Site created by: Holistic Digital Solutions
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(поручивање публикација 8.00 – 14.00)